Team ·
Hybrid Ecologies is the result of an interdisciplinary creation-research process, located at the crossroads of design, social sciences, engineering and art.

Manuela Garretón

Martín Tironi
Jorge Gironás
Analysis of water footprint
Rodrigo Hernández
Analysis of water footprint
Diego Gajardo
Assembly desing and fabrication
Lucas Margotta
Assembly desing and fabrication
Jorge Andrés Berríos
Assembly desing and fabrication
Sebastián Rodríguez
Assembly desing and fabrication
Benjamín Benavides
Interactive programming
Eugenio Herrera
Image generation programming
Martín Bravo
Image generation programming
José Tomás Labbé
Image generation programming
Vicente Puig
Graphic desing
Roy Macdonald
Pedro Garretón
Catalina Harasic
Pablo Garretón
Sound desing